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Church Administration is a spiritual service to the Body of Christ which involves the wise stewardship of God’s resources for the accomplishment of the work of ministry. Church administration or management has to deal with the organization of church ministry, and with the operations that govern's the church.  Administration is not an end in itself, but rather it is a means for serving people effectively, while making efficient use of resources in a manner that glorifies God.

Prayer Ministry

Our Prayer Ministry will help leaders and the congregation recognize that prayer is essential to a life of Christian discipleship. The congregation will become stronger in the spiritual practice of prayer. Leaders will be led by God’s Spirit in fulfilling the mission of making disciples for the transformation of the world.

The Music Department serves as are source to support and coordinate the worship and spiritual life of the congregation, through congregational,choral and instrumental music. As a member of the professional staff, the Minister of Music works with the clergy, staff and volunteers to plan and coordinate worship services and related activities.


The Minister of Music is responsible for the music staff (which reports to the administrations ministry) for music program development, planning and management.

As a effective Young Adult coordinator or volunteer, you will encourage all young adults in the congregation and community to grow in faith as Christian disciples. The coordinator or volunteers will work with other church and community leaders to address the needs of the youth so that all young adults are growing in strength and wisdom.

The ultimate purpose of hospitality is to minister to those around us – both believers and unbelievers. Our hospitality is a form of ministry and is a way that we show love, care, concern, and how we can serve others! “Hospitality from a Biblical perspective is to recognize that God is more interested in his people caring and loving one another.

Dance Ministry

Dance Ministry is part of the worship portion of some Evangelical Christian churches. The forms of dance can range from group dance to individual interpretive dance, and the dances themselves can be styled after traditional Hebrew or contemporary dance.

The Maintenance & Facility Ministry makes minor repairs, change light bulbs, vacuum, sweep, and scrub floors, sanitize surfaces, and restock items, such as toilet paper, paper towels, and other supplies. You may also maintain supply inventory, submit purchase requests, and assist with preparations for events, such as weddings or funerals.

Life Session

 The Life Ministry Coordinator conducts group’s and regular meetings according the group’s conscience. Announces the regular monthly group sessions, date, day and time, and invites all members of the group to attend that monthly meeting. The purpose for the ministry is to provide an outlet for individuals to talk and relate on various topics of living. No matter the walk of life.

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